Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Vacation to Antigua, Caribbean - Part 2

(sailing on Captain Nash's boat)

Right after Phillip and I arrived in Antigua, we walked the beach to get the lay of the land. As you can imagine, all sorts of people try and sell you everything from t-shirts to horse back rides. One of the guys that approached us was Captain Nash (just love that name). He had his own little sailboat and for a very reasonable fee would take Phillip and I sailing and snorkeling anywhere we wanted for the whole day. What a deal!

At lunch time, we pulled into Jolly Harbor. It was very charming and had a bunch of gorgeous sailing boats docked.

I am not sure what exactly this building is, but it is quite grand and beautiful. It looks like some sort of government building to me. It is one of the first things you see when docking into Jolly. Look closely. You can barely see Phillip at the bottom of the picture. It is a huge building.

Throughout the day, Phillip helped Captain Nash sail the boat. He totally got a kick out of that. I swear, he must have asked me to take about 100 pictures of him sailing the boat. Jeez.

I just absolutely fell in love with sailing. We did it all day and I never once got bored with it. I told Phillip that when he retired, if he was ready to sell the house and just sail a boat, I would be open to it. I wonder what the dogs and cat would think of that...

While we were sailing, Nash showed us Armani's vacation home. Yes, Armani the fashion designer. I saw some pictures of the interiors in one of my design magazines. I remember thinking it looked like a very relaxing place...now I know why.

While we were visiting, the American Red Cross had a ship docked for the week to help out the island. Apparently, the ship has everything that could possibly be needed for medical emergencies and evaluations. If the Red Cross docs can't help people out on land, then a helicopter will fly patients to the ship. I heard the local docs weren't too happy about that since it was taking away their business. I had never really thought about it before, so I found it a bit interesting.

(Sailing with Captain Nash )

Captain Nash was a great way to start our trip. At one point, he took us out to snorkel at a shipwreck! Phillip and I love to snorkel and going to a shipwreck was new to both of us. It was creepy and cool at the same time. There wasn't a lot of fish but some very strange vegetation that I had not seen before. It all had such an eerie feeling. I kept thinking about all of the creepy ocean movies I had seen. It took a while to get over the feeling of expecting some ocean snake-like monster to jump out at me.

It was a great day! I all ready miss the ocean.

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